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What we do
Effective teaching is the key to successful, collaborative and personalized learning, which in turn creates better-prepared students, more prosperous nations, more secure societies and more engaged global citizens. Promethean’s Education Strategy Group explores and facilitates technology’s role in realizing the promise of more effective educational systems locally and around the world.
Through combining leading edge research, pedagogical expertise and policy and practical insights, our approach demonstrates the impact of the long- and short-term return on investment in education technology, a theme central to the realities of 21st Century Learning.
The Themes That Matter
The Education Strategy Group focuses its efforts around six educational themes that are key to achieving global education success:
Teacher Effectiveness
Examines how technology can help teachers in every aspect of their work
Curriculum Development
Surveys the way the face of learning is changing, especially in critical areas such as science, technology and mathematics
Curriculum & Assessment Assets
Considers how technology can enable shifting curricula to be linked with learning assessment
Data-Driven Decision Making
Pursues insights into how educators can use data to improve individual and system-wide performance
Student Achievement
Studies how technology best facilitates personalization and collaboration in teacher/student and student/student interactions
Education Continuum
Explores how technology supports learning system success throughout schooling and into the workplace
View Promethean's Research Findings and Case Studies to learn the impact of Promethean's interactive, integrated technology solutions. Contact the Promethean Education Strategy Group for more information.
About us
Promethean, a Leading Education Solutions Provider
Promethean’s roots began in education. Over the years we have grown into a leading education solutions provider, guiding and supporting forward-thinking institutions around the world in an effort to increase achievement among teachers and students alike.
At Promethean, we believe that learning never ends. Growth, curiosity and the quest for knowledge do not end in a classroom or at graduationthey live on in all humans at every age, in all environments. We are all students, learning from and with one another in a global classroom that encompasses a lifetime of experiences.
Because learning never ends, neither does the need to inspire and be inspired in classrooms, training rooms, conference rooms and beyond. This core belief led us to the decision to expand our integrated, interactive offerings outside of the classroom and into the business and government sectors.
Industry-Leading Solutions Designed to Fuel a Lifelong Love of Learning
Like our namesake, Prometheus, we strive to bring the light of knowledge to the world. Since our inception, Promethean has focused on understanding how to engage minds and inspire ideas by designing industry-leading interactive solutions that transform the way we learn, teach and collaborate. Promethean combines innovation, real-world experience, scientific insight and thought leadership to help realize the fullest potential of every instructor, presenter and student everywhere from the classroom to the boardroom to any space where information and collaboration meet to promote the sharing of knowledge.
Promethean creates, develops, supplies and supports interactive solutions that span all ages and market sectors, from traditional education to business and government. We develop solutions that work together seamlessly to create an integrated and interactive environment that brings our vision of a more engaged, successful education to life. We believe that an active, holistic learning experience can empower people everywhere to reach higher levels of individual and collective achievement. Easily implemented and user-friendly, our integrated, technology-enabled environment is comprised of interactive whiteboards, learner response systems, software, training and professional development, resources and instructor communities, all proven to improve educational results.
Innovative Technology Backed by World-Class Support
Without world-class support, resources and real-world knowledge from an extraordinary network of users, technology is only hardware and software. We believe in the power of relationships and the exchange of knowledge that results from collaboration. After all, the best ideas often grow from many minds sharing and working together.
Promethean proudly maintains one of the world’s largest online communities of educators on a dedicated website: Promethean Planet. At Promethean Planet, you will discover an active community buzzing with inspiration, ideas and support, as well as a warehouse of premium and free resourcesincluding interactive lessons, educator forums and training courses.
Global Offices
We are a global family working in 10 offices around the world, creating technology that has helped educate over 12 million individuals in over 500,000 classrooms in 100 countries.
Ask us a question
Contact Us at (888) 652-2848
To view our case studies http://www.prometheanworld.com/us/english/education/research/case-studies/