Stories Facilities-buildings-01
Designing for science
Tuning in to FM
The role of the school facilities manager is the focus of a free event taking place at ACS Int...
Integration, integration, integration
Integration is the secret of success when it comes to installing renewable heating and hot wat...
Breathing more easily
It's vital that schools and universities take positive steps to provide students with clean, f...
Get it covered!
Michala Ford from Safety Technology International explains a simple way of reducing the number...
Furnished with care
From ergonomic chairs to heavy-duty kitchens and sustainable lighting, Simon Fry rounds up the...
Vinyl solution
A college in Bracknell has turned a functional space into an inspirational environment with th...
Interim solutions
Robert Snook looks at how modular buildings can help schools address the shortage of school pl...
'Switch to save' claims study
Education providers are amongst those missing out on the potential benefits of switching energ...
Keeping asbestos under control
Association responds to asbestos case
The problem of asbestos in schools is worse than was previously thought, says the UK Asbestos ...
New Schoolhaus projects completed
Eco-friendly modular buildings offer an alternative for schools seeking to expand without incr...
The great outdoors
Using outdoor spaces in innovative ways can help schools in need of extending their facilities...
Turning up the heat
Andrew Harrop on how new approaches to the design of heating systems are making it easier for ...
Turf cut for £3.5m teaching space
Call to raise boiler maintenance standards
Poor boiler maintenance can lead to expensive and disruptive breakdowns and repairs, claim Sen...
Bridging the gap
Interior design has helped to bring the workplace into the classroom at a Nottinghamshire FE c...
Keeping your options open
The importance of flexible space in future education facilities and the latest innovations in ...
Keeping up appearances
When it comes to attracting new students, schools and unis don't get a second chance to make a...
A sporting chance
Ian Wilson explores the challenges which had to be overcome in the design of a new £10m sports...
An education in designing the student experience
Interior design needs to deliver effective learning environments and appeal to the aspirations...
Attracting high-flyers
A school's buildings play an important role in defining its brand identity, says Martin Hayday...
Artwork commissioned for science centre
Abingdon School's new science centre will feature a three-storey sculpture celebrating the thr...
Design really does make a difference