Global edtech provider runs award to celebrate educators

LiteracyPlanet set to acknowledge teachers, educators, unsung educational heroes, and leaders

The Educators Wall of Fame award recognises outstanding teachers across the globe and is now open for nominations. The awards highlight educators and behind-the-scenes support staff from primary and secondary schools who inspire students and peers through passion, excellence, and creativity.

Tom Richardson ceo, LiteracyPlanet said: “The past year has brought plenty of challenges for educators, but it’s the resilience and tenacity shown across the industry that is truly inspirational, and we want to acknowledge that!”

“Schools and classrooms are transforming every year with new technology, online platforms, blended learning, multi-sensory techniques and personalised education – all adding to the mix for teachers. We want to reward these leaders who are embracing new trends and tools to improve how they teach across all subjects.”

“We host the awards to say thank you and to celebrate our incredible educators that are achieving great things for their students and schools,” said Richardson.

Teaching staff, students, and parents from any primary or secondary school worldwide can nominate their favourite educator across one of four unique categories in 2022, to recognise the many different facets of the classroom support system.

Award categories include:

  • Champion teachers: a motivator delivers fun, engaging, and inspirational lessons either in the classroom or online. These teachers are there for their students no matter what.
  • Creative educators: a behind-the-scenes genius who helps orchestrate the show—whatever that may be! This award is for the most creative educator, whether they’re a curriculum leader, a teacher’s aide, or band master.
  • Unsung educational heroes – the quiet achiever who always works with passion, care, and empathy. Never one for attention, this person is the one who genuinely deserves recognition for their tireless and appreciated efforts.
  • Phenomenal leaders – school principals, deputies, assistant principals, and other senior leaders who have gone above and beyond. They have led the school by example, implementing measures to ensure the continuity of and excellence in education.

Nominations are open now until 13 November. It’s free to enter and winners will be announced by the end of November.

Nominate here: Educator Wall of Fame 2022

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