Pocklington School, near York, has launched a campaign to raise millions of pounds for bursaries.
The campaign – called ‘Shape the Future‘ – is part of the school’s long-term strategic vision. It aims to raise £10 million for the John Dolman Trust endowment fund over 10 years to provide bursary places at the school in perpetuity and £50,000 per annum for the Annual Bursary Fund.
Bursaries are offered on a means-tested basis.
The school’s most recent fundraising campaign raised £2m for an Art and Design Technology centre. The school is hoping to better that figure – and invited its governors, life patrons and staff to help get its campaign underway.
The virtual event featured presentations by headmaster Toby Seth and chair of governors Tim Stephenson. The founding members of the school’s legacy society, the 1514 Club, were present at the launch and demonstrated their commitment to the campaign by including a donation in their wills.
I strongly believe the school should be an inclusive place, available to as many deserving students as possible. The Shape the Future campaign will enable us to make this happen – Tim Stephenson, chair of governors
Toby Seth, headmaster, said: “Talent is spread evenly but opportunity is not. Our Shape the Future campaign seeks to give more young people the opportunity to access a life-changing education at Pocklington School.
“At the same time, this will ensure the school remains an open and diverse community with equality of opportunity to all – an aim both our founder John Dolman and our most famous student, William Wilberforce, would surely heartily endorse.
“Our ambitious target is reflected in our determination to offer a flying start to all pupils who apply to Pocklington School and to continue the cycle of giving to the next generation.
“We have a tremendous community who recognise the impact attending Pocklington School has on young people and I look forward to working with them to help the next generation shape their own successful futures.”
The parent of a recent bursary recipient also spoke at the launch event. “I have witnessed at first hand the positive impact Pocklington School has on a child,” she said.
“My daughter has grown in confidence and intellect. From a shy, introverted young girl to becoming a confident, accomplished young lady. None of this would have been remotely possible had she not had a most generous bursary to assist with the school fees.”
Tim Stephenson, chair of governors, said: “Like many Old Pocklingtonians, I benefitted in the 1970s from the direct grant system which paid my fees at the school. I went on to read maths at Oxford and now enjoy a career in international finance, commodity risk management and sustainability.
“As chair of governors and a former parent, I can see clearly the enormous progress made by the school since I left. Many young people would greatly benefit from being at Pocklington School, and from whose presence the school as a whole would benefit.
“I strongly believe the school should be an inclusive place, available to as many deserving students as possible. The Shape the Future campaign will enable us to make this happen.”
Read more: Pocklington School introduces new boarding options