One-to-one device schemes with Class Technology

Sponsored: Class Technology details how it can help schools provide students with their own devices cost-effectively

The Covid crisis has impacted every part of the economy but none more so than in education where professionals in every school have met the critical challenges of coping with the delivery of teaching and learning remotely both in and out of school, in fluctuating and fast-changing environments, often with limited access to technology.

During this time we have worked hard with our partner schools to deliver affordable devices into the hands of staff and students without impacting on the workload of already overstretched IT staff or distracting SLT members from focusing on vital Covid preparations. We successfully managed the process from start to finish.

All schools have had to implement platforms to facilitate remote learning, being able to deliver learning to students in the event of either the student or the teacher being asked to self-isolate.

However, many schools have not had sufficient spare hardware to provide each child with their own device, and many children have to share devices which, in these times, can be a challenge.

Our Microsoft Surface one-to-one device schemes allow schools to easily provide students with their own device whilst allowing parents to have a choice of device and for the cost to be spread over a period of time, either passed on to the parent or borne by the school themselves.

During this time we have worked hard with our partner schools to deliver affordable devices into the hands of staff and students

Through working with many large independent schools, such as Hurstpierpoint College in West Sussex, we have developed unparalleled expertise in delivering large-scale device deployments on time, within budget and all supported by leading technology and IT professionals.

“Dedicated devices have allowed us to deliver remote learning direct to students during the pandemic, regardless of their location. This wouldn’t have been possible without the services of Class Technology,” said Dan Higgins, chief operating officer at Hurstpierpoint College.

“As a result of their support, we’ve been able to rapidly adapt to changing circumstances and provide blended learning environments in and outside of the classroom.”

Things to remember

1.Communicate with parents

Implementing a device scheme can be a great thing but not all parents will immediately see the benefits. Make sure you communicate with parents, via all the usual channels, and listen to their concerns.

2.Communicate with students

It is worth remembering that students can be your strongest allies, since they are the key stakeholders who will be using the devices you select. Getting a handful of student representatives involved early will go a long way toward creating the right environment for future technology adoption.

3.Limit choice to focus attention

It’s tempting to offer a choice of device to try to satisfy everyone. This often leads to a broad implementation with IT teams left managing a large range of devices. Limit devices to one or two types, perhaps one for younger students and one for older students. You’ll remove obstacles, limit IT workload and leave kids focusing on what’s on the screen, not what device they own.

4.Get buy-in from colleagues

The students will be using the devices, but it’s the teachers that will have to include the devices in their lesson plans, so be sure to get buy-in from the wider teaching staff. Most will be only too happy to be able to power forward with new technology but some will need more support, and these teachers shouldn’t be forgotten.

5.Be bold

Once your devices are in place, encourage the teachers to engage with the new hardware and help them to develop through access to some of the many wonderful CPD resources available online. You’ll be amazed how teachers will start to use the devices.

To find out more about how we can help your school or college, contact us today or view our case studies online.
T: 01403 212520

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