St Swithun’s prep school appoints new preschool lead

St Swithun’s Prep School is delighted to have appointed Rebecca Jackson as their new preschool lead

Rebecca joins St Swithun’s from St Helen’s School in Northwood where she was responsible for the Early Years phase for the last 8 years, teaching nursery and reception.

Born and raised in Canada Rebecca has always aspired to be a teacher. She brings her experience and energy to bear in building on the success of the existing preschool provision.

Rebecca said: ‘Young children have so much curiosity and thirst for adventure. They have no fear of asking questions, getting messy or taking risks which makes teaching them so rewarding. I believe school should be an extension of family and here at St Swithun’s the children are committed to their school in an evidently nurturing and supportive community. I am excited to bring all my enthusiasm for early years to the preschool, to help the children grow and share knowledge. ‘


Image: Rebecca Jackson, Preschool Lead at St Swithun’s prep school
For further information please contact:
Vicky Hodson
Prep School Marketing and Communications Officer
St Swithun’s School
01962 835246

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