A study from BBC Newsround has found that more than 75 percent of 10- to 12-year-olds have social media accounts despite being under age. With additional reports that one in five children have experience of online bullying, it is more important than ever that schools and parents work together to offer a consistent message to children about internet safety.
The internet offers a wealth of information for both children and adults alike and in this digital age it is a valuable resource that we all want to take advantage of.
It is more important than ever that schools and parents work together to offer a consistent message to children about internet safety
Here are some tips and reminders to help you and your pupils stay safe online:
Paul Oldham is deputy head at Richmond House School W: www.rhschool.org
For more information about online gaming, social media and protecting yourself and your children online, visit www.saferinternet.org.uk, www.getsafeonline.org or www.childnet.com
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