My School Portal transforms communications for LVS Ascot

The software gives parents secure 24-hour access to their children’s personalised data

LVS Ascot in Berkshire, an all-ability, independent day and boarding school, has transformed its communications with parents via the My School Portal, a secure, web based communication and school management software package.

Through My School Portal, all parents and guardians of LVS Ascot’s more than 800 pupils, across its junior, secondary and sixth form schools have secure, 24-hour access to personalised data for their children.

From one intuitive, simple to use dashboard, parents can access emails, reports, attendance records, timetables and sports fixtures. Importantly, moving all personal data to a restricted user-only portal ensures that only the right people see the right information.

Parents want secure, yet easy to access information about their children – Paula Smith, Digital Marketing Manager at LVS Ascot

Paula Smith, Digital Marketing Manager at LVS Ascot, said: ‘Parents want secure, yet easy to access information about their children. My School Portal allows us to meet these expectations and communicate with parents in an even more professional way.

‘From the school’s perspective, it has greatly reduced administration time and costs for communications. Importantly, because access to information is on a permission basis the portal affords crucial safeguards around the processing and protection of personal data. 

‘The team at My School Portal have been great to work with. They are always looking at developments to move the software forward and they have a great understanding of what is required from a parent’s and school’s perspective.’

Adrian Brown, Director of My School Portal added: ‘Data protection is one of the biggest concerns that schools face today, particularly with the changes coming in next year through the GDPR. The amount of personal data that schools process is vast and more and more schools are starting to move towards secure, online platforms, such as My School Portal.’

‘We’re delighted to be working with LVS Ascot and to offer them a solution to improve the ease and efficiency of communications with their parents, as well as providing a secure platform for the processing of personal data.”  

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