It’s 2018 and independent schools are ready to get back onto the sports field and embrace a new year of tournaments. In this issue, six independent schools reveal their sporting plans for 2018 on page 9 and it includes opening new facilities, embracing alternative sports and focusing on pupils’ wellbeing. The start of a new year is always exciting and I look forward to seeing these plans become a reality.
In this issue, we also have a tennis special. I recently interviewed Andrew Castle and Annabel Croft about their experience at independent school and how it impacted their professional tennis careers. Both spoke candidly about their experience and it was inspiring to hear their career journey. Read the full story on pages 17-19.
Finally, Sally Jones investigates the growing trend of girls playing historically male-dominated sports like real tennis, rackets and gives on page 14, which is eye-opening.
I have a feeling it’s going to be an unforgettable sporting year.