Time capsule buried beneath Badminton School sports centre

Members of the school community who gathered for the ceremony included the Headmistress, Chair of Governors and Sports Scholars

The time capsule is submerged 29.5cm below the concrete floor of Badminton School’s new development, is made of a tough, durable, waterproof material and weighs 3.86kg. The life span of the time capsule is said to be 500 years, meaning that any items that were buried will still look exactly the same hundreds of years from now. 

Placed in the time capsule are current Badminton School sports team photos, Badminton merchandise, a Sports Award 2017 programme, a netball signed by the 1st team and a site map of the school, amongst other items. The burial coincided with the school’s 160th anniversary,

“We are incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to bury our very own time capsule to mark the construction of our new Sports Centre,” said Sarah Gomersall, Director of Sport at Badminton. “It’s exciting to think that in years from now, the time capsule could be discovered and the finders will gain an insight into life at Badminton as it is today”. 

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