West Midlands teacher in marathon triumph

Solihull School’s Clare Bovill has completed marathons in Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago and New York

A West Midlands teacher has been awarded the World Marathon Majors’ Six-Star Finisher medal.

Clare Bovill, a singing teacher at Solihull School, earned the award by completing marathons in Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago and New York.

“There are only just over 200 women in the UK who have achieved the award, so I am delighted and feel it really is a huge achievement,” said Bovill.

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The teacher took up running 27 years ago, following the birth of her son, when she joined Sparkhill Harriers to return to fitness.

“I have encouraged all three of my children to participate in running for the same reasons as I love it,” she added.

“It’s cheap, convenient and makes you feel great!”

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