Environmentally-themed robotics challenge begins

Over 550 schools are taking part in this year’s Tomorrow’s Engineers EEP Robotics Challenge

Regional heats will take place in early 2020 with the UK finals at The Big Bang Fair in March 2020.

The students will build, program and control LEGO robots for a series of environmentally-themed missions to discover what engineers can do to create a cleaner, more sustainable world.

As part of the challenge, the teams will build a LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 robot and program it to complete a speed and control test and perform a set of tasks such as planting a tree.

Students will also present an idea of how engineers can help future-proof the world.

Dr Hilary Leevers, CEO of EngineeringUK (the company behind the challenge), said: “We’ve seen young people around the world coming together to demand action over climate change. The next generation can be part of the solution by choosing engineering careers that will be central to generating affordable and sustainable energy, and to solving other global challenges that they care about, like access to clean water and sanitation. We need creative thinkers with a range of skills and perspectives working together to secure our future.

“The new environmental challenge was chosen for the Tomorrow’s Engineers EEP Robotics Challenge to address an issue that many of us are passionate about and inspire students as they discover exciting new skills and careers in engineering, technology, robotics and computing.”

Teachers also benefit from taking part with professional development training days and online mentoring.

Since its launch in 2015, over 32,000 students and 1,000 teachers have taken part.

In 2018/19, there were over 130% more applications than places.

To express an interest in taking part in the Robotics Challenge in 2020/21, visit: https://robotics.tomorrowsengineers.org.uk/robotics

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