i-Clean pass major milestone

Independent best practice benchmarking specialist i-Clean pass 200 provider milestone, as calls for independent benchmarking grow

i-Clean Systems Ltd has announced that it has benchmarked in excess of 200 separate providers across 5,000 plus commercial client sites to a service value of £250 million.

The company, which has worked with a number of prestigious schools and top-performing universities, helps customers, cleaning contractors and in-house teams achieve and demonstrate efficiency and best value for money through independent benchmarking.

According to their last 10 mixed provision reviews i-Clean identify, on average, 27.5% in efficiency improvements.

Mike Boxall, managing director of i-Clean, said: “We are delighted to have reached this milestone and look forward to reaching many more as the direct link between academic achievement and a clean, hygienic learning environment becomes more widely understood.”


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