Dixons Academies Trust launches open source digital platform to aid school leaders

Dixons OpenSource, Insight and Onsite offers a new kind of professional development for school and trust leaders

Dixons Insight brings a package of learning and support to school and trust leaders through a bespoke digital platform – Dixons OpenSource, Insight and Onsite – to function as a ‘Netflix for professional development’. This innovative online platform includes:

  • All existing and upcoming Dixons OpenSource free videos. This successful series began during lockdown and provides both high-level thinking on culture and practical lesson-level examples.
  • Access to virtual live events for school leaders; a suite of leadership resources; and live Q&A sessions on learning, culture and leadership with Dixons executive leaders.
  • The opportunity for schools and trusts to get beyond the ideas themselves and into the granular world of how to implement intentional cultural and organisational change.


Through Dixons OpenSource, Insight and Onsite, users will learn how to identify barriers to the successful implementation of culture change in their organisation, the active ingredients to fix this and how to develop a clear plan to sustain intentional design, ensuring everything is indelibly linked to mission and purpose.

The Trust aims to bring helpful, honest and supportive thinking to more schools and trusts, working collaboratively to bridge the disadvantage gap

The new digital platform sorts videos by topic and allows users to save favourites. Users can access most resources for free, or choose one of the enhanced options which include offers ranging from additional resources and monthly webinars to bespoke coaching and in-person sessions. Any proceeds are directly reinvested into generating more free content for the Trust to train great teachers and leaders.

To complement this, Dixons Onsite takes leaders beyond the screen altogether through a bespoke, in-depth offer tailored to where an organisation is in its journey of change. Dixons Onsite gives the opportunity to ‘incubate’ participants side-by-side with Dixons leaders, through in-person visits and professional development.

Delivering the best education for all

The national attainment gap for disadvantaged students continues to grow. Making change for the students in school now matters for their life experiences in the future. Dixons has a strong track record of improving schools in the North (in Bradford, Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester). Its successful approach is predicated on fostering a strong culture which delivers the best education for all students.

Any proceeds are directly reinvested into generating more free content for the Trust to train great teachers and leaders

Through this range of support, from Dixons OpenSource to Dixons Insight and Dixons Onsite, the Trust aims to bring helpful, honest and supportive thinking to more schools and trusts, working collaboratively to bridge the disadvantage gap.

Luke Sparkes, deputy chief executive, Dixons Academies Trust, said: “We are thrilled to launch our Dixons OpenSource Insight and Onsite digital platform for schools and trusts to take professional development to a new level. At Dixons Academies Trust, we know the key to enduring, transformative change in a school lies in the quality and depth of its culture, and the behaviours and habits that take place every day, at every level, creating the ecosystem that enables excellence to take root. Culture is the amplifier of everything else.

“With Dixons Insight and Dixons Onsite, our focus is on supporting school improvement through precise implementation of cultural change, ensuring it takes root and embeds. That is how, together, we can challenge economic and social disadvantage.”

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