Reach for the stars

Sponsored: Haka Educational Tours reveals their STEM camps and tours which launch to the States, the stars and beyond

STEM is a future focus movement and students exposed to these areas will thrive as they progress through learning, navigate the world around them, and move from the classroom into a globalising employment market.

The STEM employment industry will see the biggest growth over the coming years and employers will be seeking students who have a strong understanding of STEM theories.

Haka Educational Tours is proud to offer international STEM tours and camps, that allow students to dream, discover and explore the exciting world of STEM, developing their skills, and ambition – allowing them to truly reach for the stars!

STEM tours and camps highlights:

  • Camp options: advanced space camp, robotics, and aviation academy
  • Insights into the mental and physical demands for astronaut training and microgravity on the 1/6th gravity chair and multi axis trainer
  • Discover the theory in space suit and design technology
  • Jet aircraft pilot simulations and experience an actual Mars mission simulation!
  • Explore the science of aeronautic design and orbital mechanics
  • Engineering challenges to include constructing a heat shield and building a rover
  • Explore the NASA Kennedy Space Centre – the Space Shuttle Atlantis & Apollo/Saturn V Centre
  • Optional visit to Silicon Valley to meet with the leading tech innovators!

Mt Albert Grammar School, Advanced Space Camp 2017. Visit Haka Educational Tours for full itinerary and further trip photos!

Contact us for more information, and to begin the countdown for your school’s very own STEM tour of a lifetime!

For more information visit or email 

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