Success through adventure

Epic Outdoors explains how their out of classroom experiences prepare students for the challenges of a lifetime

No matter who you ask, everyone has a memory from their school years that stems from learning outside the classroom. Fieldwork and adventurous activity all impact on how we develop and enhance our wider view of the world.

At Epic Outdoors, we deliver beyond the classroom experiences designed to prepare your students for the challenges of a lifetime. 

Educating the leaders of tomorrow is a dynamic process, especially as the future workplace is evolving at an exponential rate. By 2025, 75% of the workforce will be millennial. The favoured type of working life will revolve around the gig economy, meaning over the course of a working lifetime an individual can expect to have four to five different careers.

In many respects the current generation of young people are faced with the tougher challenges than any preceding it. The age of information means total exposure to peers, world events and social pressures. A recent survey conducted by the Central YMCA in the UK revealed the top two concerns of young people were a lack of employment opportunities and a failure to succeed in education. Whilst some of these concerns may have been present in their 1970s equivalents, many are new and made more acute by the instant feedback loops of smartphones and a plethora of multimedia. 

We are in the position of asking more of our young people than ever before – testing and academic standards, social awareness and pressure, increased competition for jobs and knowledge of longer-term financial pressure. We are juxtaposing that with fewer support networks and removal of core skills and life experiences from the school programme.

This combination seems to be building a ‘perfect storm’ and it poses several key questions. What skills will millennial’s need to engage in the gig economy? Is the current education system preparing them for the future? How can education evolve to become more sustainable? How can we develop personal resilience in young people? We now as a nation have to factor in the great unknown – the post Brexit landscape. How do we prepare for the unknown? We believe four key characteristics are key – adaptability, resilience, creativity and diversity, or ‘ARCD’ for short.

We believe that people are best outside, and that personal challenge is the foundation of confident people

At Epic Outdoors, we firmly believe that adventure education is key to developing the leaders of tomorrow. Connecting with our areas of natural beauty is also key for a generation that will need to place the environment at the core of all it does. We provide bespoke adventure programmes and Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme delivery to schools and colleges throughout the UK.

Real adventure, in beautiful places such as the Lake District, Snowdonia or the Highlands of Scotland, delivered by skilled instructor teams. We use adventurous activity to deliver your pastoral aims.

We work with you to develop a truly bespoke experience, ensuring each individual’s personal development takes centre stage. We are licensed by the Adventure Activities Licensing service, an approved provider for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and an organisational member of the Institute for Outdoor Learning. We are passionate about what we do. We believe that people are best outside, and that personal challenge is the foundation of confident people. Adventure has never had a more important role to play in education, contact us today to make sure your young people’s experiences are epic.


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