The power of spaced repetition

Wranx is a learning platform that your school will want to use over and over again

Launching in spring 2017, Wranx is a personalised digital learning platform which has been designed to enhance results and performance. The platform has content written by specialist subject teachers, based on the latest curriculum materials from different subjects. Although Wranx requires no input from schools or teachers, the nature and design of the system provides ample flexibility for personalisation and intervention if necessary. 

A full service learning programme, designed to boost learning and improve knowledge retention, Wranx is a finely tuned tool for delivering positive learning outcomes in all users. It is an effective and powerful way of tackling issues brought about by the recent re-introduction of linear testing. There are numerous advantages to using Wranx, including improved exam performance, efficiency in terms of both cost and time, increased engagement, confidence and empowerment in students. Wranx improves retention, and this is of particular importance given the recent move to linear testing. Students are able to access Wranx on a flexible, autonomous basis, for just a few minutes each day, as and when they wish, by building it into their daily routine. 

As our many corporate clients will no doubt testify, Wranx is proven. It works. 

Its strength is in its innovative design and the use of three key factors: spaced repetition, gamification and personalised reporting.

Wranx is proven to deliver measurable results in an innovative and cost-effective way, driving student engagement and retention

Spaced repetition

Spaced repetition is a scientifically proven learning method, providing the backbone to the inventive and innovative design of Wranx. Based on the groundbreaking work of Hermann Ebbinghaus in the fields of human memory and recall, this valuable research helped shape thought around these subjects and is widely recognised as a major scientific contribution. Ebbinghaus was able to establish that learning is better achieved when spaced out over time, in smaller chunks, and when the learning is specifically designed for the individual student. ‘Cramming, or mass-presentation’ of facts rarely leads to long-term retention, and Ebbinghaus displayed this in his ‘forgetting curve’. 

Based on this, the proprietary algorithim which forms the base of the Wranx platform is applied to assess the recall and ability of each student, before automatically producing a unique learning programme for each individual student. 

At Wranx, we know that by using spaced repetition, the learning process is enhanced by enabling improved retention for longer periods of time. Other key advantages are:

  • Superior active recall
  • Improved levels of engagement
  • Personalised specific learning
  • Extended ‘forgetting curve’
  • Spaced repetition is the ideal solution to ensure students are retaining information over the long term


Gamification has revolutionised online and e-Learning, such is the power and potential it can bring to learning programmes. Competition is a great motivator, encouraging and inspiring performance. By drawing on motivational theory, behavioural sciences psychology and game mechanics, we are able to ‘gamify’ learning, driving students to develop their skills in an innovative manner. Leaderboards, ranking and scores help students compete with their peers, and track their individual progress. Students are not rewarded for simply answering questions correctly, but on their level of interaction. Gamification helps us deliver bite-size learning in an enjoyable and engaging way, with easy access via smartphone, tablet or laptop. 

Personalised reporting 

The third key strength of Wranx, for both teacher and student alike, is the ability to access real-time data for analysis. Personalised reporting enables teachers to accurately and comprehensively track students’ progress, and to provide responsive support through immediate and personalised feedback. Students are able to develop their own prioritised plans, based on targets already met, and areas that need more attention.  

We know from our corporate clients, that Wranx is proven to deliver measurable results in an innovative and cost-effective way, driving student engagement and retention. Students and teachers alike will find learning with Wranx both useful and effective as well as enjoyable.


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